Saturday 6 February 2010

Who Am I?

my identity. it should not be based on what I wear, how I look, what my past is like, whether I have failed, or even the ministry that I serve in church! My identity should be in Christ Jesus! He crowned me with glory, clothe me in righteousness and before that washed me clean with His blood. now isnt that amazing. I am a queen. I am the daughter of the Most High. I am the bride. I am engaged! I should not be following how others dress by copying every single clothes they have and wear. I should wear what I like and how I like. clothes do not define me (hopefully a little), who cares if my past isnt smooth, that would be kinda sad, don ya think? my identity should be joy, peace, self-control, patience, faithfulness, gentleness, love, kindness and goodness. yes there are times that what the actress wear is so appropriate and sweet and lovely but that should never be the reason you want to buy that particular blouse, skirt or dress. You buy it because you need it. its not must have, its a need. no wonder when a woman buys a clothes, its never enough. I know why its not enough. its because we rely on clothes to define us. if we dress smart, we are smart, if we dress in short mini skirts, that woman is not decent. there needs to be a middle. do not overdress and rely on clothes to define you and at the same time do not dress sloppishly that still may define you as someone who does not know how to look after yourself. I love clothes. I have got to stop copying what movie characters wear. as a matter of fact, I do have the clothes that somewhat they wear. if that is so, that is great! but I should not let clothings get a hold on me. buy what is needed not wanted. how i look. i may only be 5 feet 4. but who cares, I like my height, I love my weight of 55kg. my biggest asset is my bum. I am pear shaped as some would say it. But what can I say but that is how God made me to be. there is nothing to complain or whine. I love the way I am created. I may have a small top, but that can be covered with suitable clothes. i do not have to worry about cleavages and stuff. I still am able to wear nice pretty dresses and tops. so nothing is wrong with me. God indeed has created my wonderfully and beautifully. my ministry, whether behind the scenes or right upfront, all should be for the King of kings, the Lord of lords. God has put His people into ministries to help them grow personally, bless others outwradly and to serve Him upwardly. no matter what, its a blessing. its not a job. if a ministry is taking your time from God, its not a ministry, its not a blessing. as a matter of fact, God will take that ministry away. so who am I? I am the child of God. a daughter, a princess, a queen, a bride, a servant, a priest, a messenger. I am so glad I am His child :)

Thursday 4 February 2010

the message

Psalms 95 (the message)

a hurdle to jump over, a mountain to pass through, a giant to bring down with my one pebble and a slingshot. from the valley, I look up pass the mountains, hurdles and giant and cry out to You that Lord, give me the strength to go through it one more time. this is my third time going through the same thing. Be patient with me. I am going to get over it with You by my side and inside of me. even though right now the circumstances is not on my side but God you are on my side. that is more than enough. You are Jehovah Nissi, God my banner, You are my victory and my hope. I am not just looking at where I am positively but it is filled with faith that You will bring me through. You said in Deuteronomy 28:13 that I will be the head and not the tail, the top and not the bottom. I receive that promise and I believe in that promise. Your name will be glorified. Your testimony will not be my pride to boast when I succeed but a testimony to encourage and bring hope to people that I will meet. You are my God that is in control of this and all areas of my situations. You are worthy to be praised. You are God alone. Thank You for listening. Thank You for my making my path straight. Thank You for the good future that you have in mind for me even before the world was created. a future that has no evil but of good and hope. I continually pray that Your will be done in my life. Let Your thoughts and ways take charge of my life. My thoughts, ways and plans fail me but Your does not. Your ways may not be the way I like or thought of, but I freely give You my shepherd's plans to recieve Your king's plan for my life. that my life is not just about me but others. it was never about me but always about You. I shall remind myself everyday to thank You always for what You have done and what You are going to do. I thank You for guiding me in my studies, I thank You for teaching me when I study, when I answer the questions, and when I recieve my results. You are there whereever I go. I thank You for Your protection over me and my family and friends. I thank You for loving me just as I am. I pray that I will be more and more like You each day. help me to be compassionate for the lost and to my family and friends. let me not be so passionate on doing well, fulfilling Your plans without compassion for the people along the way. I want to be a woman that is after Your heart. I pray for a heart that is humble, gentle, loving, faithful, patient, good, kind, peaceful, joyful and has self control. all these I pray shall come from the inside out. I thank You Lord God once again for the plans You have for me.